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The Solution-Ready Mind & The Power of MUSIC!

Wanting to help

Like many visionaries and creatives, I am a being who was born with a deep appreciation for the nuance of life and a heightened level of sensitivity.  While this has often been THE superpower that fuels my music, courses, writing, and speaking, unless I am in a solid, high-vibe state of being, it can be far too easy to feel and tune in to the thoughts & feelings of others.

It was the summer of 2024, and much had transpired in the USA that left a large percentage of the population feeling a range of emotions from outrage, to profound sadness, to even a sense of utter hopelessness.  What was happening felt like 1,000 shades of wrong, and with this, I knew I wanted to do whatever I could to help.  So - contrary to everything I knew in my heart and even to what I have taught for years - a part of me wanted to be as informed as possible to gain a clearer understanding of the big picture.

For the first time in my life, I found myself wanting to sound the alarm, issue all-points-bulletin warnings to any and all who would listen, and share every possible reason why we MUST make different choices…

…But even with the best of intentions, my energy, mood, and vibe dipped ever-lower with every headline I saw, video I watched, or word I spoke, devolving into what my close family & friends would call a full-blown obsession. And, for a time, I literally did not recognize myself.

I found myself saying things like, “This can’t be happening!! How can they NOT see what is at stake?!!  This is madness!!” But as justified as all of this felt, my heart & mind were slipping into a heavier and darker place with each passing day.

I wanted to help with EVERY facet of my being, but all I managed to do was kill my energy, make it next to impossible to focus on anything else, and (without meaning to) create a POA (Point Of Attraction) that was all about feeding… ...The. PROBLEM.

=The exact OPPOSITE of everything I wanted to accomplish!

Whether talking about world events, wanting better experiences & outcomes for our loved ones, wanting to improve our financial situation, or to sort out a health/well-being-related issue, virtually EVERY one of us has a “hot topic” that can set us off at some point in our lives. 

It seems SO logical that the answer lies in digging deeper, doing mega research on all that can go wrong (in order to “prevent” bad things from happening), or to inform/warm others in an effort to keep them safe, but all we actually do is tell our RAS (Reticular Activation System) to look for MORE what is not working, what feels awful, and to seek out problem-focused data. Ick!!

The good news is, like it or not, there typically comes a time that your “inner wisdom” and brilliant body step in to kick your caboose (aka butt) and take you out of an unhealthy loop via exhaustion, amped-up physical or emotional pain, or a weakened immune system that lays out a welcome mat for the first available virus that happens to be in the neighborhood. 

In essence, once you are basically “forced” to loosen your problem-focused grip on life, solutions and ideas finally, slowly, start creeping in.

Yes, in all honestly and fairness, a barefoot-uphill-in-the-snow path of misery, pain, and suffering can eventually lead you to the answers you seek…

…But if you prefer to reach solutions via a path paved with FAR more ease, flow, and even JOY, give these ideas a spin! Identify Your Direction

This may sound overly simplistic, but did you know you already have an all-access pass to THE ultimate, on-board, direction identifier?  I like to call it your “Inner Compass” or “iExpert”, and it will always let you know whether you are moving toward or away from the solutions/intentions/state of being you are seeking. For example:

When you feel a level of heaviness (aka tension, tight muscles, stress, or what you would describe as negative emotion) you actually work against finding solutions and slow your flow. From a scientific, biological standpoint, when you are stressed and let the amygdala & limbic system (you inner “fight or flight” team) run the show, you no longer have the same access to your pre-frontal cortex – the part of the brain that IS synonymous with clear thinking and finding solutions. So, you are literally NOT operating on all cylinders!

Whereas, when you feel a sense of lightness (aka, relief, calm mental clarity, good energy, relaxed muscles, and what you would describe as positive emotion with no perceivable “edge”), you move toward solutions and ALLOW your flow!  Here, your pre-frontal cortex IS the one running the show, and low, and behold, solutions abound!

In my case, once I had the presence of mind to identify my direction, I knew that if I was going to contribute anything of value to the world (or my world), it was time to change course! CTFO (Chill The FuNk Out)!

In the “SHIFT” process I shared in a previous article (which I’ll also be sharing in detail in our upcoming “Law of Attraction: Abundance- SIMPLIFIED” Course), if you know you have mostly been pointing away from solutions, it’s time to CTFO, and stop feeding the funk.  The best way to “drop it like it’s hot”? Focus on an unrelated topic or activity that commands your attention.

For me, going for a walk or hike in nature/a beautiful area, watching videos/shows about travel, classic cars or “stuff & nonsense”, playing my instruments, or getting into mega-cleaning mode are tremendously helpful tools for “breaking the spell” of unhealthy thought processes and shifting into chill mode.  But whatever you choose, let it be something that slows unhappy momentum and feeds calm.

BTW: Ever notice that the word “calm” contains the lovely sound of “Ahhhhh”? Do note that if you (or your client) have a style of mental processing that tends toward holding on to things a wee bit longer, or if you are dealing with a subject that has you hella-triggered, please be kind and patient with yourself, as it may take a little more time to shift into chill mode.  It’s also a very rare human who can instantaneously switch from full-blown crisis mode to ultra-chill mode, so rather than trying to slam on the brakes, taking gradual, more incremental steps toward greater calm and ease is often the best medicine.

Intentionally Reach UPWARD

For me, virtually ANYTHING was a step up from what I was feeling, so each time I completed my segment of focusing upon the distraction of the moment, I knew I had to be extremely mindful and deliberate about what I would choose next…

So, without missing a beat (pun intended!) during one of these shifts, I marched straight over my keyboard and started playing a few chords.  Lo and behold, a song emerged almost instantaneously called, “Find a Way”, that helped me to express my feelings in more constructive ways. This, in turn, helped to raise my vibe, which then also allowed me to “receive” some solution-oriented wisdom:

“Even hating hate poisons the seed Of hope and possibility So turn your gaze to the light To keep solutions in your sights And reach out a hand to those who might Understand

We all really want to find a way To some better days Every day we have a choice to make Why not choose love?

Even though we never all will agree Everyone deserves to be free Let’s take a real step today To find a way…”

~From “Find a Way” © (p) TTRH

Without introducing presence and awareness, it would have been all-too-easy for me to drop right back into the funk, but though I still had some work to do to TRULY reconnect with my core self, I was, at least on my way onward, upward, and forward 😊. Follow Forward Flow

After playing through the new song with a few close friends, I strongly considered sharing it in a more public format; because if it gave ME a little lift, perhaps it could help others as well?

Interestingly enough, during this time I also had a feeling that somehow something was about to change. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but it felt like some kind of “door number 3" was going to be revealed…

The DAY after I finished mapping out this song, a new announcement was made that completely changed the game in the USA.  I was floored and overjoyed by the potential of what could happen!

Though there was clearly nothing I did personally to bring this change about, I couldn’t help but wonder if my desire for something different and willingness to ask myself constructive “what if?” questions added a drop or two to the “vibrational soup” that caused the tide to change? BTW: Many spiritual teachers have concurred with the words of Abraham-Hicks, “One person in alignment is more powerful than millions who are not…”, so what if we ALL have far more power of influence than many even realize?

As I was nearing my first window of opportunity to share “Find a Way”, however, I felt a distinct shift in the energy… And I knew that the song I had created, though ultimately hopeful, was not quite a match to the climate of the moment.

Rather than just pull the plug entirely, I stepped over to the keyboard and wondered if something new could flow to match the growing excitement that was percolating: In a matter of minutes, an entirely NEW song had emerged (lyrics + full arrangement) that took my vibe – and the message I wanted to share - to an even higher level, and from this “A New Fire!*” was born!

A few days later, I decided to be bold and share a short “unplugged” snippet of “A New Fire!*” on social media & with my email subscribers.  I then got the inspiration to reach out to a fab multi-instrumentalist & brilliant producer, Jody Gray, who is typically booked up months in advance.  As fate would have it, he actually had a moment to listen to the little song preview, just-so-happened to get a cancellation, and asked if we were available THAT week to start working on the song…

Less than seven days later, the song, with all vocals and instrumentation, was almost completely done.

If this wasn’t already miraculous and exciting enough, one day after starting the recording process of the song, I had the rare opportunity to have an extended conversation with my agent who then shared some ideas for taking the song beyond the scope of my subscribers and personal circle of influence!

And (as of the time of this writing), I can’t tell you who/when/where this song would be played/heard, but I will say that since I began this journey of doing all I could to keep reaching UPWARD, I have been bombarded by magical sightings (saw a rainbow virtually EVERY day for over 2 weeks straight, saw fireflies at a location that I have NEVER seen them before in west-central Florida where sightings are extremely rare, have seen infinity symbols & my life path # [8] in the weirdest places, have seen numbers lining up all day, every day, etc!), have had incredible, helpful ideas regarding OTHER subjects present themselves to me, and have been enjoying one of the longest times of feeling consistently joyful and alive than I have in quite a while!

…Plus EVERY time I hear “A New Fire!*” I just can’t help but smile from ear-to-ear!*For “A New Fire” official lyric video, visit our MUSIC page or watch on YOU Tube:

The Power of Music

I was also inspired to include an unusual element in a modern song; the sounds of the fife and drum…

…and after “hearing” this in my head and feeling utterly compelled to add these sounds to the song (thanks to Jody on the snare drum and my husband, John, on the “fife”), I later discovered that during the time of the American revolutionary war, the sound of the fife and drum would be THE thing that:

  • Helped to calm and feed morale for the troops during times of battle

  • Signaled and communicated strategies and instructions

  • Served as a sonic “beacon” to help troops reconnect with their company

…And in some cases, was even a core part of victory celebrations! Plus as far back as 5550 BC (and likely even further) EVERY culture on EVERY continent has felt the call of the drum; the human embodiment of the very heartbeat of life itself.

Fast-forward to 2024, and music is still an incredible tool that has the power to:

  • Shift your emotional state

  • Increase focus

  • Feed confidence & create positive anchors

  • Raise your vibe

  • Soothe your nervous system (and soul)

  • Facilitate healing

  • Evoke happy memories

  • Celebrate important events and LIFE!

The Bottom Line: The Solution-Ready Mind & The Power of MUSIC!

No matter who you are, where you are from, or what you believe, I feel that EVERY human wants to feel safe, be well, be loved, and to prosper – and the sooner we turn our attention toward the thoughts, ideas, and actions that actually feed SOLUTIONS (rather than amplify problems) as individuals and collectively, the sooner we ALL benefit in beautiful ways.

Perhaps it is for his reason, I have – time and time again - turned to the power of music, because (for me) I have always seen music as a unifying force for ALL human-kind.

…But it is also SO important to note that there will never be a one-path-fits-all – nor is there meant to be: The human experience is (and always will be) one of diversity, with many different textures, flavors, sounds, and options to choose from.  And as I have personally seen throughout my life, one individual’s idea of “hell” can actually be another’s idea of “heaven” – and vice versa! 

We may not ever understand why others make the choices they do, especially when they differ widely from our own personal world view, but I believe that as each individual remembers the power that we each hold in our OWN hearts and minds; has the courage to take the journey to get to core of what we TRULY want; and does the best we can to keep reaching upward, together we CAN find solutions that feed the fires of hope and possibility for ALL.

…And as anyone who has studied brain science or Law of Attraction knows: The journey to finding solutions or realizing ANY vision begins with discovering and focusing upon what you WANT to bring to fruition :).

Here's to BEING and spreading LIGHT for the benefit of ALL & to the beautiful power of MUSIC! This article appeared in the September 2024 Issue of Transformation Coaching Magazine. To read more helpful articles about GOOD news and helpful resources, CLICK HERE

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