What Clients are Saying

How can we help you or your clients?
Allow Abundance
+Law of Attraction
Law of Attraction
Life Coach Course
Law of Attraction Love & Relationships
+Life Coach Certification!
Join the "Authentic Relationships Revolution™" and help yourself and others change the experience and dynamic of ANY type of relationship!
Relationships + LOA Certification Course
Relationships + LOA Certification Course



Learn REAL Law of Attraction/Focus and communication tools and strategies that WORK from a REAL couple who broke all the "rules" and have enjoyed over 2 decades of a happy, healthy, fun, free-feeling, authentic, sustainable marriage...
+Discover powerful and practical tools to cultivate TRUE self-love, transform family relationships, deepen & upgrade your friendships, and experience greater harmony with work/career-related relationships...
+Bonus tools to ALSO attract and allow well-being and abundance in the process!
For full curriculum & details:
Attracting Authentic Relationships for Singles
+Life Coach Certification!
Manifest, attract & allow TRUE LOVE
while still feeling FREE to be YOU!
Attracting Authentic Relationships for Singles +Life Coach Certification
Attracting Authentic Relationships for Singles +Life Coach Certification



Help yourself and others attract your IDEAL partner, gain MEGA clarity about what truly matters to YOU, amp up self-love, upgrade your friendships and SO much more!
Learn REAL Law of Attraction/Focus and communication tools and strategies that WORK
from a REAL couple who BOTH value deep connection & personal freedom, broke all the "rules", and have enjoyed over 2 decades of a happy, healthy, fun, free-feeling, authentic, sustainable marriage!
For full curriculum & details:
Resilience, Focus Mastery + Breakthrough
Onward, Upward & Forward
---Life Coach Certification 2-In-1---
THE Course to help others
start their NEW YEAR or next chapter of their lives strong
Move Onward, Upward & Forward
Gain Clarity + Focus
Thrive through Unknowns
Restart & Move Beyond Life Transitions, Grief and Loss
Focus Mastery + Breakthrough Certification
Focus Mastery + Breakthrough Certification



Help yourself and others start the NEW YEAR or next chapter of your life
with Clarity, Focus, and Excellence!
Move Onward, Upward & Forward plus Breakthrough complacency, stress, grief, and anxiety, rise after experiencing difficult life events, Discover MEGA clarity, direction, and a clear plan of action, Awaken your inner visionary, and so much MORE!
PLUS - Earn TWO Life Coach Certifications in ONE Course!
Taught by Terez "Firewoman" Hartmann
For full curriculum & details:
Resilience, Focus Mastery + Breakthrough
Move Onward, Upward & Forward
​---Master Class---
THE Course to start your NEW YEAR or next chapter of your life strong
Move Onward, Upward & Forward
Gain Clarity + Focus
Thrive through Unknowns
Restart & Move Beyond Life Transitions, Grief and Loss
Onward, Upward & Forward Masterclass
Onward, Upward & Forward Masterclass



This course includes THE tools that helped me move from coping to thriving during one of THE most difficult times in my life & includes tools & resources for overcoming anxiety, depression & even trauma.
PLUS for those who simply want to discover greater clarity, balance, and flow, the course also offers tools for starting your NEW YEAR strong by getting MEGA clarity about what you actually WANT and a solid road map to get there!
All content from this course is also included in the "Focus Mastery & Breakthrough Life Coach..." Course, but if you don't care about certification
and want to save some $ this is the course to take)
Taught by Terez "Firewoman" Hartmann
For full curriculum & details:
Law of Attraction + Allowing Your Success
---Life Coach Certification---
Help yourself & others discover the secret to manifestation, affirmations, raising your vibration, abundance & happiness using LOA & psychology
Law of Attraction Certification
Law of Attraction Certification

LOA Promo Update 3-18-2021 (1)

2 Welcome!

7 Law of Attraction on Fire Part 1
Help yourself and others master the art of manifesting & RECEIVING with innovative insights, powerful "allowing" tools, science, and psychology
Taught by Terez "Firewoman" Hartmann
with additional content by
Joeel & Natalie Rivera
For full curriculum & details:
Law of Attraction + Allowing Your Success
---Master Class---
Discover the secret to manifestation, affirmations, raising your vibration, abundance & happiness using LOA & psychology
Law of Attraction + Allowing Your Success Masterclass
Law of Attraction + Allowing Your Success Masterclass

Law of Attraction & Allowing YOUR Success Masterclass


Go deeper into advanced manifesting concepts and learn how to move from affirming to actually RECEIVING!
In this course, you'll discover innovative concepts and tools to bring your understanding of what the LOA actually is, how to upgrade your POA (Point of Attraction), and most importantly, how to create a great "REP" (Repeating Emotional Pattern) with 12 power topics and over 25 power tools!
All content from this course is also included in the "Law of Attraction/Allowing YOUR Success! Life Coach..." Course, but if you don't care about certification and want to save some $ this is the course to take)
​Taught by Terez "Firewoman" Hartmann
with additional content by Joeel & Natalie Rivera
For full curriculum & details:
Help Others + Earn Income!
---Join our Affiliate Course Ambassador Team!---
Enjoyed our courses?
Be part of the Solution and feed the Evolution & Authentic Love Revolution!
Love the idea of earning income while empowering
individuals and leaders with tools to
Allow Success, move Onward, Upward & Forward,
and Allow True Love?


Allowing Your Success!
From Struggle to SIMPLE - From Stress-filled to JoyFULL
From Making if Happen to LETTING it Happen!
In this fun, inspiring and ground-breaking book, Terez shares "Allowing Keys™," "Allowing Power Tools™" and insights designed to help YOU discover YOUR path to claiming the LOVE, MONEY, HEALTH, CONFIDENCE and HAPPINESS you deserve-all while ENJOYING THE JOURNEY!

Transform Your Life!
Expert Advice, Practical Tools, and Personal Stories
- Contributing Author
Transform Your Life! is a co-creative book-a diverse mosaic of contributions from authors around the world-offering 60 unique perspectives on love and hope, strength and perseverance, and living and thriving. Each chapter tells the true-life tale of overcoming real-world challenges, from addiction to abuse, illness to loss, and much more.

Transform Your Life! BOOK 2
Inspirational Stories and Expert Insights
- Contributing Author
Your heart will open as authors share their personal stories of rebirth and how they allowed their pain to inspire their purpose. Live your BEST life by exploring the powerful, proven methods and techniques compiled by experts who have LIVED IT. Become empowered to embrace transformation, turn tragedy into triumph, and express more of your true, authentic Self.


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Include your logo & website in our next lyric video, live performance video & beyond!
CLICK HERE for our "Firewoman Music" playlist
CLICK HERE for our most recent release,
"Onward, Upward & Forward"