THE Most Important Question
The Great Wheel of Life has made another turn and here you a stand, gazing out at a buffet of infinite possibilities! For some, this is a wildly exciting thought, yet for others it may be the cause a full-blown meltdown, but in either case, there IS a path to clarity, focus, AND forward motion to be had for all who are will to ask THE most important question:
What Do You Want? WDYW?
It is astonishing how much of our lives and how many days can go by without taking the time to answer this MEGA important question FIRST, and not surprisingly, many of our goals and resolutions are based more around what others want or what they want from/for us, what society/current trends of the moment say we should want, what we used to want (but in truth no longer resonate with), or are just a remix of last year’s more generic intentions.
What if you gave yourself permission to consider what you REALLY want?
What if you dared to reach into NEW territory this year and carved out the time to discover what TRULY matters to you?
What if you did the things that ACTUALLY feed your well-being?
What if you opened yourself up to the NEW dreams that feel like the life of joy, freedom, and abundance you truly desire that are calling you?
With this auspicious opportunity of a bright, shiny, new year ahead for all of us, here are some ideas from my “Onward, Upward & Forward Master Class/Focus Mastery & Breakthrough Life Coach Certification Course” to help get your (or your clients’) wheels turning to start this next trip around the sun with clarity and focus!
Create Your “Wheel Life Map”
Why “Wheel Life?” When you think about it, everything that is thriving is in motion in some form or fashion; the cells in our bodies, the planets, the sun, and even the universe itself! So when you resolve to move your mind and body forward in some way every day, you can’t help but discover clarity, focus, and REAL progress as well!
Get your mind moving now by taking a moment to focus on these five life areas and let the questions inspire even more clarity (and perhaps, even more questions!) as you contemplate THE most important question in new ways. WDYW?
Do note that even if you are still collecting data and have not yet figured out what you truly want, identifying the FEELING you’d like to experience will absolutely set you on the path of joyful discovery!
Once you answer the questions to the best of your abilities, focus on your top 3 favorites to focus upon for this year.
LIFE AREA 1: ADVENTURES/EXPERIENCES My upgraded/forward-flowing adventures & experiences feel:________________________ ----->What new destinations do I visit & enjoy? ----->What new activities do I experience &enjoy? ----->What new types of cultures/people/creatures do I experience & enjoy? ----->What new/upgraded style/mode of travel do I experience & enjoy? ----->What gifts/upgrades do I bring to the world as I travel/enjoy my life? MY TOP 3:_______________________________________________________________
LIFE AREA 2: BODY-MIND-SPIRIT My upgraded, forward-focused/moving body, mind & spirit feel:____________________________________
------>What is my upgraded attitude about life?
------>What is my upgraded attitude about myself?
------>What is my upgraded attitude about others/the world?
------>What is my upgraded response to life challenges?
------>What are my new/consistent “home zones?”
------>What new things do I learn/discover?
------>What new movement/dietary upgrades do I add to honor my body and feed my physical well-being?
------>How does my upgraded body look, feel and function?
------>What upgrades do I allow for rest/sleep/reset/centering time?
------>What upgrades do I add to my daily activities that truly feed my soul?
MY TOP 3:_______________________________________________________________
My upgraded, forward-facing home and style of living feel:________________________________________
------>What is my upgraded version of where I live?
------>What is my upgraded version of the size/layout of my home environment/s?
------>What is my upgraded view from my space/s?
------>What elements does my upgraded neighborhood/surrounding area have that I love?
------>What upgraded things/furniture/tools/vibes fill my space/s?
------>What makes my upgraded space/s extra special?
------>Who shares my upgraded space and what is our daily flow?
------>What is my upgraded mode of transportation/mobility/exercise?
------>What do I do to love, honor and maintain my home space/s, mode of transport and belongings?
MY TOP 3:_______________________________________________________________
My upgraded, forward-flowing/moving career/finances/creativity feels:______________________________
------>What is my upgraded creative/work environment like? Where do I work/create?
------>What does my upgraded typical work/creating day look/feel like?
------>What is the nature of my upgraded work/creativity? What new things or ideas do I create or implement?
------>What traits do my upgraded/ideal creative team have?
------>What traits do my upgraded/ideal clients/participants have?
------>What is my target upgraded weekly, monthly or annual income?
------>What upgrades do I contribute to others/the world with my abundance?
------>What upgraded positive legacy do I leave for the next generation?
MY TOP 3:_______________________________________________________________
My upgraded, forward-flowing/moving romantic relationship/s feel/s:_______________________________
------>What is the essence of my upgraded romantic relationship/s?
------------>How does my upgraded relationship flow/how do we interact?
------------>What forward-focused things do we share in common/what do we enjoy/create together?
------------>What gifts/upgrades does my relationship bring to my life?
------------>What gifts/upgrades do I bring to my partner’s life?
------>What is the essence of my upgraded family relationships?
------------>How do my upgraded family relationships flow/how do we interact?
------------>What do we share in common/what do we enjoy/create together?
------------>What gifts/upgrades does my family bring to my life?
------------> What gifts/upgrades do I bring to my family’s lives?
------>What is the essence of your upgraded friendship relationships?
------------>How do my upgraded friendships flow/how do we interact?
------------>What forward-focused things do we share in common/what do we enjoy/create together?
------------>What gifts/upgrades do my friendships bring to my life?
------------> What gifts/upgrades do I bring to my friendships?
------>What is the essence of my updated creative partners/career-related relationships?
------------>How do my upgraded creative partners/career-related relationships flow/how do we interact?
------------>What forward-focused things do we share in common/what do we enjoy/create together?
------------>What gifts/upgrades do my creative partners/career-related relationships bring to my life?
------------> What gifts/upgrades do I bring to my creative partners/career-related relationships?
MY TOP 3:_______________________________________________________________
Choose & ACT
Now that you’ve narrowed your visions & intentions down to your top THREE in each subject, choose ONE item from each life area to focus upon NOW.
You can opt to choose only 1 item overall, choose 2 or 3 life areas, or give some of your time each week to your #1 item in each of the five life areas to feed a happy and dynamic life balance.
Have your item/items in place? Take at least 1 action EVERY day that can help you move forward to REALIZE your goal/vision/intention, and resolve to continue this practice until you reach a point of completion.
Keep this list and all of your options handy.
Even when LIFE happens…
When major challenges present themselves that interrupt your flow of life, it can be all-too-easy to fall off the wheel (or “wagon,” as it were lol). But, just because you may not feel like you can take action in one life area, it does not stop you from moving forward in OTHER areas – for example:
When I was in “ER life-or-death-on-call-24/7” mode with my family (toggling between my brother in the ER/Intensive care and doing what I can for my mom, who was also extremely unwell), my CAREER/CREATIVITY/FINANCES life area went on a hard – and seemingly indefinite - pause. Due to the volatile nature of that entire journey, I was simply not able to accept bookings for music gigs or coaching clients, and definitely was not in a place to do any filming for my next course or record new music (all of which being THE main things that I linked with major forward motion for me).
BUT in the in-between time when things did calm down for a minute, I did carve out time to insert whatever self-care I could, did short, simple home-maintenance like doing dishes or laundry when feasible, worked on the writing aspect of creating course content (based upon coping and moving through my real-time challenges), did some research & made some loose plans for future adventures that could easily be moved or cancelled, and honored the relationship with my family by doing the best I could to support both of them through their incredibly difficult journeys.
Needless to say, I still managed to keep moving forward in small ways in my other life areas, and (though I may not have recognized it at the time), actually DID keep my foot in the door with my career, ALL of which paved the way for the productivity and joy I am experiencing NOW.
What life area can YOU still feed right now?
Get a partner in forward motionIn a perfect world, we all ideally keep the promises we make to ourselves, but when the bazillion distractions of life intervene, it is far-too-easy to set your intentions aside in favor of looking at the shiny object, trend, post, tweet, video, or feed of the moment. And when you add in extreme stress or mega life challenges, those visions & intentions can quickly fall into the basement, garage, or junk drawer of your life priorities – ESPECIALLY when you are a leader, mentor, parent, or person who serves others and who is used to putting everyone else first.
As a fellow coach & business owner, I have always thought of myself as a highly self-motivated, self-directed person, but when I decided to reach out and connect with a like-minded accountability partner, my productivity and follow-through increased by leaps and bounds! So whether you are an aspiring coach/mentor or the captain of an empire, do consider the idea of a coach or accountability partner – it can be THE piece that changes EVERYTHING. Imagine looking back at the past year thinking, “Look at what I did!!” instead of “Oh well… perhaps next year…”
The Bottom Line: Start HERE: A Year of Clarity and Focus!
New days, months, seasons, holidays, and years will come and go throughout the span of a human life, as will new thoughts, ideas, dreams, and visions - along with new challenges that come with living life in 3-D.
But when you have a clear sense of direction, a good map, a working compass, a helpful guide, and a powerful willingness to keep moving toward what you truly desire, you activate the very REAL magic of getting to feel the satisfaction, pride, and joy of experiencing (& manifesting) the upgraded version of YOU & your life:
“Onward, Upward, and Forward to an upgraded version of ME
Instead of my fears, I will follow my dreams
For I’d rather go where they lead!”
~from “Onward, Upward & Forward ©TTRH 2020-2022
Here’s to resolving to embrace a year (and LIFE) of clarity, focus, and forward motion for the benefit of ALL & to TRULY, MADLY, DEEPLY, living YOUR very precious Life on FIRE!
Article featured in Transformation Coaching Magazine, Jan, 2022 & 2024 To put these ideas into practice and take REAL, tangible steps forward with the help of a loving, like-minded, Mastermind group, join us for our magical 1/11 Group Coaching & Mastermind Adventure! CLICK HERE for details For additional ideas & self-directed tools to help yourself and others discover clarity, focus, and forward motion while increasing your income potential, CLICK HERE